Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Monday 14 October 2024

Giving Thanks


With the cloudy day and the leaves turning swiftly it certainly is a time to be thankful.  I have so many blessings to be thankful for, family, friends and a home with hundreds of things to be thankful for within those three.

We always have our thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday so that we can enjoy our turkey sandwiches on Monday.  Both lunch and supper are turkey sandwiches today with relaxing and movies as well.  

I am so very grateful my sister and her family are all safe after the two hurricanes that hit them.  The first one their home made it through with very minimum of damage but the second hit them straight on and this time there was damage. 

The outside took a lot of damage but the worst of it was their main livingroom which the storm took out a window and did a lot inside. 

I was so sad to see the mess the storm left but so very happy they had done the sensible thing and that was to leave when told to.  My sister and BIL have always been smart and never just rode out things like a hurricane hitting their house.  Things can always be fixed but lives cannot when they are taken.  

And they have started the clean-up and repairs.  I know my sister and I will not be able to sit with our teas and video chat for awhile but I am good with that knowing they are all okay.  

So, I have a great deal to be thankful for and all of it by God's grace and blessings.  God is always good.  

And Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Friday 11 October 2024

Norfolk County Fair


DD and I went off to the Fair yesterday and this is my gift to myself this time around.  I do look for something special when walking through all the booths.  If something really stays with me as we check everything out, it is worth getting.  

We, of course checked out the huge pumpkins and produce on display.  I love that not only do adults win blue ribbons so do the children.  Everyone can take part somewhere.

The pumpkins most over 1,000 pounds, truly worth checking out.  

Norfolk County grows most everything that one can find on one's table and this is the time that they truly show off.  

Their pigeons of every breed and type.  

Chickens and

and bunnies.  Cows, pigs and goats are there to show.  Show horses and donkey's 

All looking their best.  

Photography of all kinds to be judged and awarded a ribbon in each division.

Children's artwork from the youngest to the oldest are on display with ribbons awarded.

Little ones can't wait to show their parents their work and show off the ribbon that will come home with them when the displays are taken down and work goes home.

It was great fun to wander around with DD and check out the Fair this year.  Enjoying food that can only be got there that probably will be too much for this old girl but it is only once a year. 

Norfolk County Fair is always worth a walk around for the youth and the young at heart.  

Thursday 10 October 2024

My Home Town in the Fall

Walking along the paths with bare trees and leaves all on the ground it made me think of my home town video I did with photos from the fall so I am going to share it once more here.  

Let me know if there is any trouble with playing it so that I can fix it but I think it will play okay as it did before.  

Have a great day!  We are off to the Fair today.


Giving Thanks

  With the cloudy day and the leaves turning swiftly it certainly is a time to be thankful.  I have so many blessings to be thankful for, fa...