Robert and Alicia

Just a blog by Robert and Me (Alicia) where we share photos, family history, and just life in general with family and friends.

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

This is probably it


After getting rings cut off and seeing the doctor and getting blood work and x-rays done the results are in.  I am at the beginning of Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA and it's okay.  So far there is no pain although I can't close my hands or grip very well which can be inconvenient.  

As soon as I got word I went to my sister (on chat) and I have to give in that she has been right for years trying to get me to stick with an anti-inflammatory diet.  I have pretty good incentive now as I know I have to get this under control as soon as possible.  

So, this week's meal plan has three new recipes with the focus on anti-inflammatory foods as well as usual ones.  I have added lemon and ginger to some of my glasses of water.  Exercise has been stepped up with both early morning walks once more, walks at home on youtube and stretching and weight exercises too.  I try to get a walk or walk at home 30 minutes every day and 20 minutes of stretching or weights.  I can't put those off anymore as RA gets worse with inactivity.  

 That picture shows how far I can close my hand right now.  I do know that I can improve it but I tend to let things slide and I know that I can't now.  

I usually post my blogs on Facebook but I am not going to as I just don't want to spread this much.  I will just set it here and those who read my blogs that is great and enough.  I read a great saying about venting which I will put at the end and so that is what I am using my blog for, a bit of venting.

Anyway, keyboarding can be tough after awhile and so blogging is really on the back burner, one because I don't have much to say beyond I am walking and exercising and trying to keep to anti-inflammatory foods and two it can cause a flare-up.  

I will pop by to keep up with my blogger friends posts and maybe give an update from time to time but that is my reason for not being around.  

Take good care of you.

Weekly Musings of the 21st

  Yup, Canada won and I am thrilled.  I know I don't usually say much about these things but I am heartsick with the words of this presi...