Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Friday 4 October 2024

A Tigger Kind of Day


I haven't done a post on Tigger in a long time and thought, why not?  She is 11 years old now and still pretty feral.

She had been abandoned by her mother when she was barely three weeks old and she hid herself under a raspberry bush.  When the lady that found her showed Tigger to us, the kitten jumped onto hubby's chest and licked his chin.  The decision was done and Tigger became hubby's cat.  She has never been a cuddler but she is very smart and does things we have never had other cats in the past ever do.

She has many beds in various places and is fussy on what kind of bed it is. 

She will not be put in a carrier but she will sleep in one as long as it is her plan.

She had traveled well as a kitten but once there were too many trips to the vet - she no longer wanted to travel at all.

She still plays but as long as she doesn't think you are watching.  If she catches you, she stops and walks away.

She has her own way of waking up hubby to get her breakfast and it starts very gentle but gets more and more firm if he doesn't get up right away.  

She loves to sit up in her nest to watch what goes on in her home and outside views of the creatures of her kingdom.  Other tenants may not know that she is the queen of this kingdom but she does - LOL. 

She does a pretty good impression of a baby seal too - LOL

Yes, she is the boss of this home and will steal your water if you leave it full to go get something.  

I wish you all a great weekend.  

Thursday 3 October 2024

Morning Walks and Last of Purging


This morning out at around 6:30 and of course it will be awhile until it is fully light.  This glow was when I was nearly finished my walk.  I wear a reflective jacket as I really want to be seen by early morning drivers who are probably no more awake than I am.  I have seen walkers all dressed in black and say a prayer they will be safe as they don't realize that they cannot be seen .  I also carry a little flashlight in order to light the sidewalks.  There are so many cracks and bumps that one can trip if you don't keep watching where you are going.  Although speaking of seeing where one is going, I wasn't paying attention to more than the walk and nearly walked up a resident sidewalk to the front door of someone's house instead of the public walk at the corner.   They are side by side and I just turned like I was heading home and realized - oops this is a front walk and had to turn around before I tripped on the porch. - LOL

 One house was very big on the blow-up decorations as you can see.  

I find I can stick with walking every day if I go out there as soon as I wake up.  If I try to go out later, I find I have talked myself out of it.  Going out first thing means I am not awake enough to talk myself out of it.  So I stick to 30 minutes first thing every morning.  

Anyway time to finish up the clean and purge journey.  Now it was the diningroom and livingroom.  Since they are all together it was another several day project with washing the carpet at the end.  

Dining room was first with all pictures coming down and curtains of both rooms into the wash.  The cupboard was emptied and cleaned inside and out as well as the bookshelf.  All furniture was moved out and the carpet washed and rinsed.  I have to say I really love that carpet cleaning machine, it does a great job.  

This time too, pictures get rearranged as well as some knick knacks.  I now keep them down to very minimum.  My rule is if I avoid dusting something then it has too much on it and needs to be purged.  

The biggest part of the job was clearing off the bookshelves and the china cupboard, although I have never had china in it just our dishes.  Take everything out, dust, wash, clean the walls and put everything back and wash the rug in three parts.  

Once all was done we took a bit of time to sweep and wash off the balcony from the summer dust and then hubby and I could look at each other and say DONE!

Along the way we got keys made for DD so she can come and go as she pleases.  I think sometimes the hardest thing a mom has to do is to remember that DD is in her 40s and not a child anymore.  

Once everything was cleaned, arranged and purged we invited our parish priest over for supper with the request if he would be so kind as to bless our home.  He agreed and it seemed like the best finish to our fall cleaning with all the changes coming. 

And so that was it for the fall cleaning and I think it was a pretty good job all around. 

Have a great day!

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Last Storage Room and Kitchen


First off before I get to the time of purging I just wanted to say that DD and Licorice arrived safe and sound.  Licorice was doing pretty good all things considered and she slept during the drive home.  DD was exhausted which made her a bit weepy but she was sure happy to be home.  We tucked the kitty into their room and closed the door so she could settle in and not meet Tigger yet.  Tigger was not impressed by the new smell and made it known to DD that Tigger knew it was her fault by hissing.

Back to purging.  We finished the last storage closet and as you can see there are empty bins which we will hang onto for now.  All in all the purging went really well and the storage is well cleared.   

Now, it was onto the little space that takes the most work - the kitchen.  A lot of the items that I only use once in awhile were in the storage cupboards but now had come into the kitchen and places needed to be found for them.  

Many of which could go on top of the cupboards, we just didn't put them before as having them in the cupboard was easier and made it easy cleaning above in the kitchen.  Stoves and fridges, of course take a lot of work as do emptying the cupboards and washing them.  Purging, of course, was going on as well.  The kitchen would take three days at best, longer if we didn't feel up to it.  

The pantry was one of the first things finished and then onto the cupboards.  
Even with moving the cupboard stuff there was still lots of room in the kitchen for everything.  

 And before we knew it the kitchen was finished and looking good.  Now we could see the end in sight, all the was left was the diningroom, livingroom and the balcony. 

Have a great day! 

Tuesday 1 October 2024

1st of October


Well, 1st of October and time to bring in the summer Canadian flag and put up the Halloween one.  At the 1st of November the Remembrance Day one goes up.  

Taking a pause in the cleaning purging blogs to say hello to the 1st of the month and mention that at this time DD is on her way with her kitty in the cargo hold.  She has a 5 and a half hour stop over in Calgary and arrive at the London, ON, airport at 7:11 p.m. where we shall be to pick her up.  

Late posting because of sleeping in and getting groceries as well as putting up the Halloween decorations. 

 Our little Halloween village is up at the top of our bookshelves as well as hubby's pumpkin on the window ledge.

Keeping the gnomes company.  

The little witches flight school was painted by me nearly 30 years ago and still is looking good. 

We don't put up nearly as much as we use to and we are pretty fine with that.  We don't have little ones coming to the door so the decorations are just for us and us is happy with not too much work anymore.  

We got DD's cat a new cat condo so she would really feel at home in her new room.  I will be putting out her stuff before we go to pick them up so that she will have everything she needs.  She will have to stay in the room as she and Tigger get use to someone else there.  Hopefully they will make friends and will be able to wander all around together. 

So, happy 1st of October and have a great rest of your day!

Actually this was my sister's car seat.  I sat in mom's lap when I was that little

A Tigger Kind of Day

  I haven't done a post on Tigger in a long time and thought, why not?  She is 11 years old now and still pretty feral. She had been aba...