Robert and Alicia

Just a blog by Robert and Me (Alicia) where we share photos, family history, and just life in general with family and friends.

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Weekly Musings on the 19th


Good Saturday Morning!  This week just flew for me and before I knew it we were at Saturday all ready and I realized I hadn't posted since Wednesday.  

I got out every morning for a walk, dark when I start out and then the sun coming up as I go along.  Past by the Poor House cemetery one morning.  It is past the trees if you walk along the forest edge.  Those were the stones they found, there are hundreds buried around these woods who died while living at the Poor House, welfare, immigrants and people out of prison who could not find full time work stayed there and died there.  I always say a prayer for them when I walk by.  

I find it interesting that the provincial offices and the courtrooms are just within sight of this place.  It is a very pretty place to work and sit outside having one's lunch.  

I saw the hunter's moon while on my morning walks too.  This week was spent on getting use to another in our home, although we are all family and love each other it is still an adjustment for everyone, especially bathroom times as we now all share.  DD's stuff is still in transit from BC and will take at least another week or so to get here.  Of course movers fill their truck with several moves along the way in order to get the maximum amount they can driving across the country.  DD would like her warm coat before the temperatures dip again.  

Friday afternoon these guys arrived in swarms and swarms, covering the building looking for their winter place.  They are NOT ladybugs but Asian lady bugs.  These guys bite, Raid does not bother them in the least only stepping on them and squashing them will stop them trying to get inside.  

We close the curtains so the light from inside does not attract them and shut the windows tight too. We will probably see them most of the week but with luck kill all the ones we see that managed to crawl inside.  

 This morning's walk was a really foggy one and even as I type this, the fog has not completely lifted.  I wear my reflective jacket and carry a small flashlight.  I, also stick to the sidewalk streets and avoid those streets that don't have one to be safe.

Those who love to walk whether you have the right of way when crossing streets or not, you still have to be double careful.  There is one corner that I cross that I have been nearly hit several times and I avoid that corner if at all possible on foggy days.  Just not safe to take chances.  

People have gotten so distracted that they honestly don't see you right in front of them, I always say - if you don't make eye contact then they don't see you.  Don't walk!

Anyway, my little rant about distracted drivers for this month - LOL

Time to get a move on as I want to go and check out a pair of slip-on shoes as well as see about something that might work on those beetles besides those bag things that don't work either.  

Have a great Saturday


  1. Gorgeous photos!! The Asian beetles are a huge pain. They bite and are almost impossible to be rid of them. We have them here, too.
    Have a glorious weekend. 💖

    1. I know what you mean. I did get a spray that seems to take care of them but only when you actually spray them, once the stuff is dry it does nothing. Yesterday was another full balcony of the things. Kept them out of the apartment though so grateful for that.

  2. You captured a great shot of the moon, there! I've been enjoying it during my outings with Ember both before sunrise and after sunset. So bright!

    Yikes for those beetles! They are very hard to get rid of.

    1. Thank you, some shots just didn't show how bright but that one seemed pretty good. Yes, they are and thank goodness Tigger points them out when they get it and doesn't touch them.


Weekly Musings of the 21st

  Yup, Canada won and I am thrilled.  I know I don't usually say much about these things but I am heartsick with the words of this presi...