Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

1st of October


Well, 1st of October and time to bring in the summer Canadian flag and put up the Halloween one.  At the 1st of November the Remembrance Day one goes up.  

Taking a pause in the cleaning purging blogs to say hello to the 1st of the month and mention that at this time DD is on her way with her kitty in the cargo hold.  She has a 5 and a half hour stop over in Calgary and arrive at the London, ON, airport at 7:11 p.m. where we shall be to pick her up.  

Late posting because of sleeping in and getting groceries as well as putting up the Halloween decorations. 

 Our little Halloween village is up at the top of our bookshelves as well as hubby's pumpkin on the window ledge.

Keeping the gnomes company.  

The little witches flight school was painted by me nearly 30 years ago and still is looking good. 

We don't put up nearly as much as we use to and we are pretty fine with that.  We don't have little ones coming to the door so the decorations are just for us and us is happy with not too much work anymore.  

We got DD's cat a new cat condo so she would really feel at home in her new room.  I will be putting out her stuff before we go to pick them up so that she will have everything she needs.  She will have to stay in the room as she and Tigger get use to someone else there.  Hopefully they will make friends and will be able to wander all around together. 

So, happy 1st of October and have a great rest of your day!

Actually this was my sister's car seat.  I sat in mom's lap when I was that little


  1. Fun decorations!
    We had those car seats for our brood. They survived childhood and are now adults. How the times have changed!!
    Enjoy the special time with DD.

    1. Thanks, I just love the fall time. Yup, we all survived pretty well too I think.

  2. During your blog absence I almost forgot how many cute things you have with which to decorate for any occasion. Good seeing them again! Wishing your DD safe travels, and her kitty, too!

    1. Thank you, and yup they are here and settled in their room. Tigger was not impressed to smell a new kitty in what she feels was her room. We shall see how it goes.


A Tigger Kind of Day

  I haven't done a post on Tigger in a long time and thought, why not?  She is 11 years old now and still pretty feral. She had been aba...