Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Morning Walks and Last of Purging


This morning out at around 6:30 and of course it will be awhile until it is fully light.  This glow was when I was nearly finished my walk.  I wear a reflective jacket as I really want to be seen by early morning drivers who are probably no more awake than I am.  I have seen walkers all dressed in black and say a prayer they will be safe as they don't realize that they cannot be seen .  I also carry a little flashlight in order to light the sidewalks.  There are so many cracks and bumps that one can trip if you don't keep watching where you are going.  Although speaking of seeing where one is going, I wasn't paying attention to more than the walk and nearly walked up a resident sidewalk to the front door of someone's house instead of the public walk at the corner.   They are side by side and I just turned like I was heading home and realized - oops this is a front walk and had to turn around before I tripped on the porch. - LOL

 One house was very big on the blow-up decorations as you can see.  

I find I can stick with walking every day if I go out there as soon as I wake up.  If I try to go out later, I find I have talked myself out of it.  Going out first thing means I am not awake enough to talk myself out of it.  So I stick to 30 minutes first thing every morning.  

Anyway time to finish up the clean and purge journey.  Now it was the diningroom and livingroom.  Since they are all together it was another several day project with washing the carpet at the end.  

Dining room was first with all pictures coming down and curtains of both rooms into the wash.  The cupboard was emptied and cleaned inside and out as well as the bookshelf.  All furniture was moved out and the carpet washed and rinsed.  I have to say I really love that carpet cleaning machine, it does a great job.  

This time too, pictures get rearranged as well as some knick knacks.  I now keep them down to very minimum.  My rule is if I avoid dusting something then it has too much on it and needs to be purged.  

The biggest part of the job was clearing off the bookshelves and the china cupboard, although I have never had china in it just our dishes.  Take everything out, dust, wash, clean the walls and put everything back and wash the rug in three parts.  

Once all was done we took a bit of time to sweep and wash off the balcony from the summer dust and then hubby and I could look at each other and say DONE!

Along the way we got keys made for DD so she can come and go as she pleases.  I think sometimes the hardest thing a mom has to do is to remember that DD is in her 40s and not a child anymore.  

Once everything was cleaned, arranged and purged we invited our parish priest over for supper with the request if he would be so kind as to bless our home.  He agreed and it seemed like the best finish to our fall cleaning with all the changes coming. 

And so that was it for the fall cleaning and I think it was a pretty good job all around. 

Have a great day!


  1. Kudos on finding motivation for the morning walks.
    A nice finish for all the hard work. 🙏🏼

    1. Thanks, I tried all other times of day but nothing stuck, only rolling out of bed throwing on clothes and heading out before I wake up is the way for me. Have a great day!

  2. Hi Kathy! Sounds like a productive morning! Great you're sticking to your routine and keeping your home organized. Love the idea of getting out early to avoid talking yourself out of it.

    Glad you're taking precautions with your morning walks.

    The blow-up decorations are a fun touch! And that's a great tip about purging anything you avoid dusting.

    Wonderful you were able to get everything cleaned, arranged, and purged, and invited your parish priest over for a blessing. Great way to finish the fall cleaning and celebrate all the changes.

    Sounds like you and your husband have been busy! Nice when you can accomplish a big task together and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment afterward.

    Have a day as bright as sunshine! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Thanks Paula - it's Aliie or Alicia but not Kathy, my friend. I do that from time to time too - LOL. Yeah, they are a nice touch those decorations. Thank you about the cleaning and purging, the good thing is that hubby and I work well together and both have a purging mind-set. Neither of us are hoarders at all. Have a great weekend.


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