Robert and Alicia

Just a blog by Robert and Me (Alicia) where we share photos, family history, and just life in general with family and friends.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Today's Anniversaries


Today is the date of our parent's anniversary and although their marriage had a rocky ending I still like to remember it because if it wasn't for mom and dad meeting and marrying my sister and I would not be here.  

So, I remember my mom and dad and their lives together.  There were good times and in the end some pretty bad ones but the good must be remembered always and not drown out by the end.

Remembering Lucille and James Broomfield with love. 

The other anniversary of this day is the date for my baptism in Delhi at what is now Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. 

This picture here was taken that day.  Of course, the date on the picture was the next year but, in those days, pictures sat in cameras until all the pictures were taken and you could afford to have them developed.  

I thought it was pretty interesting that I was baptized on my parent's anniversary.  

My godparents were my grandmother - Joanne Verhaeghe and my godfather was Bobbie Osaer, who was a friend of the family.  November 12th a special family day. 



  1. A nice tribute to your parents. Memories, quietly tucked away to be brought out on those special days.

    1. I was told by my DD that memories were what she really loved to read about now. No matter if it was a short writing or longer as long as I told stories from my life. Didn't know they really paid attention but I now know they do and want more.

  2. So many of us whose marriages did not survive are still grateful for what we gained from those relationships, including, but not limited to, offspring! I learned an awful lot about myself and the world in which we live by being married to my son's father. And I learned that I could not fix it all by myself. It truly does take two to make it work!

    1. Exactly, I to gain so much including my two DDs. The one huge mistake I know that both made was they never really talked to each other about anything. That was so very sad.


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