Robert and Alicia

Just a blog by Robert and Me (Alicia) where we share photos, family history, and just life in general with family and friends.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Weekly Musings of the 13th


So, it is the final 13th of 2024 and I am sure there will be some brave bikers who will brave the cold and head to Port Dover for the fun.  Looks like it is the 75th ride as well.  Wishing them a great time, other than driving DD to her job today, I avoid the whole thing which is what most residence do unless they have a motorcycle.  

We had a pretty quiet week with the exception of driving DD to work and picking her up which I really don't mind doing as it actually gives the car more of a run than we usually do which is good for it and gets me out more often because I am one who is happy just to stay inside.

I couldn't do much walking because I had a bit of dizziness due to an extra vitamin that I took which turned out to be a mistake on my part.  Looking down made me dizzy and I can tell you that you don't realize how often you look down until you shouldn't.  Which really meant the stairs were out this week.  

This one really made me smile and I did always like Endora.  I am not very mean but I like the idea sometimes, although I don't drink wine nor coffee but I drink tea so not like Endora at all but I do appreciate her - LOL.

So, it was a week of lots of reading, enjoying spending time with hubby and staying warm inside.  

That's true although I probably am around for DD's (sorry honey - LOL) 

Have a great weekend my friends!


  1. Love the snarky Endora who says the things we would NEVER say!

    I can't even imagine getting on a motorcycle today here, as we are having our first freezing precipitation, and it's coming as freezing drizzle that accumulates as ICE! The evening news was full of accidents, and I'm praying for anyone who HAS to be on the road while staying OFF them myself so as not to cause any more hazards for them!

    1. It was a very small crowd but there were a few that came in on motorcycles and even thong guy was still under-dressed, he is in his 70s and I think completely lost it. Have a great day!

  2. A quiet week sounds lovely! I'm not sure I could handle the cold for the Port Dover ride, but I admire those who do.

    Dizziness sounds like a real pain. I've had that happen before, and it's amazing how much you rely on your balance. I'm glad you found some humor in it with the Endora reference. Maybe you could start practicing your witchy cackle?

    Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I know I sure could not handle the cold on a bike. It has been but I think it is nearly gone and yes laughing at it all - the best medicine. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. That was a really interesting article and yes, it really does. Now I am off to snuggle in with another good book ;) Have a great weekend.


Weekly Musings of the 21st

  Yup, Canada won and I am thrilled.  I know I don't usually say much about these things but I am heartsick with the words of this presi...