Robert and Alicia

Just a blog by Robert and Me (Alicia) where we share photos, family history, and just life in general with family and friends.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

State Departments - by Robert


I’m afraid I’m going to lop off more departments. No more provinces or territories.  Please don’t even think of dividing Canada into several countries. Again, I’m thinking of poor Texas becoming the third largest state.

We have the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police), la Surete du Quebec (Quebec Provincial Police) and the RCMP  (Royal Canadian Mounted Police for all the other provinces and territories.  I propose we transfer all of them under one state police department.  I would suggest they  be called either the Canadian Rangers, or Marshalls.  You must keep the stetson hat, red serge tunic, yellow striped riding pants and perhaps just to please me (you already guessed) seal skin

cowboy boots and spurs.  There may be one or two wearing a turban.  I know PC.  Then again in the future there might be a hijab too, you never know.I suspect we’ll have more cops than we require in the state.  You know I’ve given that some thought.  I was thinking of the FBI, somehow it just doesn’t fit.  You can forget the CIA, they seem to have a bad rep on NCIS, you know the TV show and nearly any other show as well.  NSA and all the other undercover agencies just won’t do, after all you could see them coming a mile away, in their uniforms.  The perfect post would be the Secret Service.  Okay, I can just hear everyone saying, they won't look secret.  Do you honestly believe that the guys wearing the same dark suit, the ear bud with the wire attached dangling down the back of the ear, along the neck, under the jacket and sleeve can’t be seen.  Not to mention the secret service pin on the lapels of their jackets.  I still have one of

those pins somewhere.  The nice agent handed me one, when I worked in security at External Affairs.  (Oops sorry!)  Don’t worry buddy, it was so long ago, I don’t even remember what you look like. As for your name, man, sometimes I have to look at my license to make sure who I am.  There is another plus, they can quickly jump on their horses and run whoever tries something. After all, they always catch their man. (I know, it’s to serve and protect).

As for buildings, I think that Parliament Hill should be vacated. Let’s face the only reason Ottawa was chosen, it was far enough from the border. They didn’t want it to be set on fire, say like the White House. Alright all you historians, it was the British that came down from Canada. I just realized, we have a long history of terrorists going from Canada to the States It’s a wonder you want us to join Mr. President elect. (Sorry!) What to do with the buildings you may ask, I’m ahead of there. Give the hill back to the natives. I can just imagine the grand opening of the new Casino/Hotel complex. Wow! Look out Reno and Vegas, you ain't seen nothing yet.

I would recommend Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver as the new state capital. They

all have covered stadiums.  Maybe Vancouver, the stadium is newer and it did have the Winter Olympics. (Just a side note; why is it when you add an s to the word roof it sounds like you’ve replaced the f for a v.  Maybe it’s just a local thing, or just my hearing.)  I have a plan for the stadium. You’ll just have to wait.  Here’s the plus side, Ottawa can now be free of demonstrations.  Even some demonstrations have a plus Mr. President elect, they bring their own hot tubs and playgrounds. The music at night tends to be loud, but you can dance to it.  Ottawa can go back to what it was like in the 50’s.  The sidewalks roll up at 5PM and nothing really gets going before 9AM.  The exception would be the Casino, of course.  Besides, you can drink till two AM in Gatineau just across the river.

Man there are so many things that must happen before the gala that we’ll have once congress accepts us as a state.

Political parties are in abundance here.  Let’s start with the Conservatives (like the republicans).  Their motto, no more spending.  Next the liberals (democrates) spend and make everyone happy.  Let’s not forget  the NDP, spend even more.  The Green party, I might even vote for them as long as they not just promise, but actually bring the price of organic fruits and vegetables on par with non organic. The Bloc Quebecois now that crew will give you a real hard time.  Remember there is no deal, unless Canadien (you know Franglais and Joual) is honoured.  I know you only have four years,  but if you want your wish to come true, there is a lot of give on your part to take.

I keep thinking ahead, when your 4 years are done, there are candidates I can only dream of taking your place.  Unfortunately, some of the people I’m thinking of are long gone.  Rene Levesque instance.  What an orator.  I can still see him, sitting at the table like a desk, cigarette in hand, occasionally taking puffs between sentences.  He really convinced me, I was not a second class person because I was Canadien. I was really tempted to vote for him, but I still want Quebec to stay and not separate.  Then there was Justin’s papa.  If he lived now, he would have kicked your ass.  There is no way you could out-talk him.  He hit the political stage like a hurricane.  Perhaps you remember Trudeau mania, the man had the women in the palm of his hand.  He gave my mother-in-law shivers .  I’m talking about the

good kind.  He had a great catch phrase.  Who could forget the response for the reporters who insisted he could not institute the war measures act.  “Watch me.”  Then there was fuddle duddle.  Ok it was fuck..  It almost became the battle cry of both Canadiens and Canadians.  We even have song, you can find the song  by Gerry Morgan,on Spotify.

Speaking of the word fuck, I noticed  it’s become more popular over the years.  It’s become used more by the Canadiens.  Now let’s not mistake it for the word phoque, which sounds like fuck but means seal.  I knew I could get my seal skin boots in this.  I have an nephew who can actually use the word fuck, as a noun, verb and adjective, all in the same sentence. A little hard to follow at times, but he somehow gets the message across.

Another thing.  Hopefully I can find someone, I’ve got rid of from whatever agency, can come over and fix this autocorrect on the computer to Franglais.

Chat with you later.



  1. As a Language Arts educator (retired), this website is possibly of interest to you. You'll have to copy and paste it into your browser.
    It's a bit lengthy, still, an interesting and humorous read. 😉

    1. Was a really fun read with a lot of food for thought. Thanks for sharing.

  2. LOL! Another winner, "Bobby". Write on!


Weekly Musings of the 21st

  Yup, Canada won and I am thrilled.  I know I don't usually say much about these things but I am heartsick with the words of this presi...