Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Monday 7 October 2024

Morning Walks of October


I will be happy when it goes back to standard time as then it will be light a bit earlier and I won't need a flashlight to light up the walks and streets to keep watch against holes and bumps that can make you trip.  

Although I do find that it is nearly impossible to get a picture of  how beautiful the early morning sky is.  You can come close but just not quite.

I enjoy the quiet time with no kitties or people around and spend time with the Lord.  The later I get out the more people there is to say good morning to or talk to and although I don't mind being friendly I do appreciate being able to be on my own.  

After each weekend there are more displays to be seen.  I don't take pictures of those that just seem junky to me.  There is one with old broken dolls thrown all over the place with light strung along and to me, creepy yes but just not for a picture.  

I like the big fake posts at the end of the sidewalk and the grim reaper.  That was a great surprise along the walk.  

I did run into a unexpected walker and my main reason for wishing people kept their cats indoors. 

As you can see there is foxes running around the neighbourhoods as well as coyotes have been seen too.  Cats are no match for these guys when they are hungry.  They avoid people as they slink around but not pets.  Some will go for dogs on leashes in the early morning.

Have a great week ahead.  I have plans to get to ServiceOntario for renewal of my cards and I also have a crown to be done on my tooth as it has a pretty big crack so not too busy to not check out the Fair.  Norfolk County Fair starts tomorrow.  


  1. We live in the "sticks" and the coyotes run the tree line at the back of the property. The foxes are brave. For nocturnal critters, they don't mind the daylight hours at all. Our dog barks like crazy at them, but gives them a wide berth. The farmer, who lives a couple of miles down the road, has a problem keeping his chickens safe.

    The time change, like our elections, is less than a month away. ⏰
    Have a great week!

    1. It will be nice to not need the flashlight to look out for holes in the roads. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

  2. That sounds like a lovely morning routine! It's always nice to appreciate the quiet moments and natural beauty, especially when the sun rises a bit earlier.

    I'm glad you've found some interesting displays around town. The grim reaper is definitely a unique addition! And while I can understand why you might not want to photograph everything, it's always fascinating to see how people express themselves creatively.

    I hope you have a great week and enjoy the Norfolk County Fair! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. It is fascinating to see some of the places and how they decorate but yup, not all are going to be taken by me - LOL. Looking forward to the fair. Will be going with DD as hubby is under the weather. Have a great day


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