Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Friday 29 December 2023

Friday Musings - Last one until the New Year


This morning we woke up to a kitty that had been sick in the night and had diarrhea both in and out of her box.  I am grateful that last year's gift to ourselves had been a carpet washer as it is going to rescue the places that really need it from our little sick kitty.  Good news was that there was no blood nor anything weird in anything so we shall keep a close watch on her and keep her quiet.  Since she is feral and allows no one to touch her but hubby, the vet is our last choice and only if she doesn't seem to rally on her own.  As well this time of year means most vets are closed or fully booked and the nearest emergency is outside of Toronto, over an hour away.  Them keeping Tigger to observe won't really happen very well either and so... We shall worry and keep watch.  

Interesting way to be winding up this long, long year.  Funny how time can seem to pass quickly and drag all at the same time. 

This week after Christmas day had been pretty quiet and restful.  Funny all the build up to visits and meals and then quiet.  Good thing too as hubby and I were happy to rest for a few days.  We always see the New Year in by ourselves, usually going to bed long before the ball drops and waking up to the new year.  

So, before we start cleaning those rugs here are two funnies to finish off the year. 

 Happy New Year my friends!!!!


  1. LOL at the little girls with their walkers and curlers! And I love the Husky's query, too!

    I totally get "worrying and watching" our pets and the vet being a "last resort". I was that way with Rubia during her final decline... and I'm in that frame of mind for The Prisoner, too. When they reach a certain stage of life...

    Love the avatar wave... Happy New Year back!

    1. I knew you would. Cats like we have are special when it comes to getting them in carriers and to strangers who want to poke and prod them. Tigger actually seems on the mend today. Thank you!

  2. Awww, poor Tigger. I hope that she rallies and gets better soon for you. Its never easy when out fur babies are not themselves.

    I miss the avatar wave. I can't get that one anymore and that bums me out.

    Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Tigger seems to be herself today so hopefully it was just eating something that didn't agree. I saved it one time in a folder with other avatar poses, it's the only way I have it.

  3. Poor kitty! If only the fur babies could talk.
    Have a safe and happy new year. 🎉🤗💖

    1. It sure would make things easier if they could just tell us. She does seem on the mend so I am breathing easier. Have a wonderful New Year.


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