Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Friday 14 June 2024

So Grandson the I is 6 today


Happy Birthday to our grandson.  Stepping into grade one life in September.  It is really something how time flies so fast when watching children grow.  New parents don't believe us when we say that - you don't see it until your toddler is an adult and you are looking at them wondering how that happened and trying so hard not to parent them anymore but only be supportive. 

This week another super quiet week and it was pretty cool out for most of it but the weather is winding up to hit 30C and higher so time to put the A/C in the window this weekend.  

Another blogger friend was writing about her summers as a kid and I started thinking about mine.  For most of July my friends Pam and Beth and I would head to the Delhi pool in the morning for swimming lessons and then in the afternoon for the public swim.  This would go on for the month and then August would be days spent in my treehouse reading books and enjoying the time outside.  Summers were forever as a kid and now they flash by in moments it seems.  When I worked in a school, July was the month that it would take to relax enough from the school year and only in August was I feeling more myself only to face heading back at the end of it.  Summers did not last forever but flew by before I knew it.  It was a real benefit that I learned early on how to save for two months a year without a pay check but it was certainly worth it in order to make it through the school year.  

People asked me what was so tough, and I use to say that when you worked in a normal office and were feeling out of sorts or it was a rough time of month you could always just keep your head down and do your work and no one would bother you and a school (or similar places) kids and parents didn't care if you were having a bad day, you were expected to be up and cheerful and focused on them so you needed those months to recover and be up and on once more.  I don't miss it, I don't have the patience for it anymore.  

 Darling Daughter the I is heading back to her home in British Columbia from visiting my sister and her family in Florida.  I don't think she really wanted to head back and would have liked to stay.  I made it clear that if needed my sister's laundry room is already called dibbs by me should the need arise.  I am hiding out there and she will have to find another place to hide out in if she really wants to stay - LOL

 My sister's backyard at sunset.  I think the view is so beautiful.  So you can see it was tough for DD the 1st to leave there but she is on the plane back home as I write this.  

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Happy Birthday to DGS! As a kid, I always wanted to be "grown up". When I was about 9 years old, I heard my mom say that the older she got, the faster time flew by. I remember thinking that was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard her say. As time went by, I had the opportunity to tell her many times, how that comment hit the nail on the head. It goes all too quickly. *sigh*

    What a beautiful view! Picture perfect tranquility!
    Have a tranquil Friday and weekend! 🤗

    1. Me too, I couldn't see how it got faster as one got older, and then it did and I had to tell her that she was right. Yes, my little sister has a lovely view. You too!

  2. Happy Birthday to Grandson the 1st! And I had to smile about the competition for your sister's laundry room! Ah, life!

    1. LOL, yeah I always tell her that I am not worried about ever being homeless because I would just show up at her door and move into her laundry room. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  3. Happy Birthday to your grandson. It's so true I look at my nephews and think of them as little and now they're grown men with their own lives. Times flies. Florida is nice, but I wouldn't live there again. I guess after your winters Florida seems like a good idea.

    Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Thanks so much, no I really have no desire to live in Florida but DD the 1st really fell in love with it. Our winters have tamed down to nearly nothing with climates changing so I am happy to stay here near the shores of Lake Erie. Have a great day and great to see you too!


So Grandson the I is 6 today

  Happy Birthday to our grandson.  Stepping into grade one life in September.  It is really something how time flies so fast when watching c...