Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Saturday 8 June 2024

So That Was a Week!

 This week I stayed off my phone, tablet and such to let my hands get better.  Not that they are painful at all, just achy really.  Hubby had been dealing with a headache and cold for nearly three weeks (which means as much as I love him - so have I) It was pretty hot at the beginning of the week and our neighbour asked if hubby could get her AC into her window.  We went over to give a hand.  This time I mentioned what was up health-wise with the two of us and she looked at hubby and said that if he really wanted the headache gone she could give him something.  I thought what pill could she have that we haven't tried but it wasn't.  It was a Dr. Ho's unit thingie to use.  I have never bothered with the product mainly because I cannot stand the man's use car salesman ways, he seems a slippery as a snake-oil guy.  I change the channel so fast I barely hear a word from his mouth.  Anyway, our neighbour swears by it and so did someone else we know from church so since both are pretty reliable hubby decided to try it and as we where heading back to our place with her Dr. Ho's product she mentioned it might just help out my hands too.  

When we got home, hubby tried it right away and the headache he had after 10 minutes was gone and he was stunned.  It actually worked, he used it on the neck pain several times in the day for the next few days and everything was all better.  Bet you are wondering about my hands, well, not as fast acting on the hands but there is a lot of improvement each day that I have been using the unit.  I figure because this hand problem has been going on awhile it is going to take awhile.  We went out and got our own kit.  Now, I don't like the man anymore than I did before but it does seem that the product is very helpful for neck pain, shoulder pain and the like.  

Then the fire alarm went off at supper time.  Good thing I rarely start making supper until after Tigger eats.  We ignored the sound for a bit after living in an apartment pretty much our whole married life every time one goes off it is a false alarm or something that has been handled but one has to wait for the fire department to shut the noise off.  This time it wasn't.  The apartment that was getting renovated on the first floor was the one on fire and smoke was starting to come up to our level.  We grabbed Tigger and shoved her into her carrier before she had a chance to figure out what we were up to.  We zipped it shut and closed windows and headed down the stairs.  Tigger was not happy and really heavy for hubby to carry.  We opened up our car and put her there in her carrier to wait it out.  Smoke was bad in the hallways.  

Great news that it didn't take the fire fighters long to put it out.  Turned out that workers may have left the stove on when they left for the day (bet you someone is in real poopies ) Within the hour of leaving we were back into our place and Tigger was happily having her supper.  

Our walks together had been up off because of headaches and other aches but we plan on getting back to it very soon.  Not sure if I mentioned it before but Tigger loves to watch TV in the morning.  She lays on the footstool and waits for me to put on her favourite show and she still isn't tired of it.  

She isn't impressed by squirrels but she seems to really love the birds and bunnies but she will leave if a squirrel sticks around too long.  

Anyway, that was our quiet week - LOL.  

Enjoy the weekend. 


  1. It's wonderful that hubby's headache is gone and that you are finding improvement. Does the "thingy" have a name? I would like to investigate and see if there's something to help with my neck and back pain.

    Oh, my goodness! You were so lucky with the fire. The outcome could have been heartbreaking. So happy that you are safe.

    I am also happy that you have returned. I do so like reading about your adventures. Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you, it is called Dr. Ho's Pain Therapy ( and there is the link for it although you will need to cut and paste. I am impressed as I figured it was just another miracle cure ad on TV but seems to really work.
      Yes, we were very lucky and thanks for the welcome back. It has been nice writing again, even with the wonky hands.

    2. Thanks for the link! That's quite a selection of pain relief items. I didn't realize these things existed. Apparently, they are not advertised on the tv stations here. It's for sure I need something for pain relief. Thanks again. Have a great week.🤗


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