Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Well That Isn't It

I've been thinking... I know, that usually gets me into trouble.  Either in a panic mode or a 'the heck with that mode'  

I picked up MyNetDiary as it looked most like SparkPeople did and I was looking to go back to what use to work and what I use to be.  Funny, after you are really a senior according to every agency out there, you really can't go back to what worked in your 30s or any other age.  You have to figure out what works or pretty much doesn't in the here and now.  

I tracked water, food and exercise for a couple of weeks.  Really hating it, seeing how I was eating which was a good thing but keeping it up like I use to do as a Weight Watcher.... nope, not able to do that.  

Probably some of it is that by going back to what use to work was the hope that your body would no longer have those new things that are coming up with each birthday.  Sure you should take good care of yourself, make the best choices that work for you and get out there and have a walk, even stretch regularly but you are really not going to look and feel like you did in previous decades and really, that is okay.  

I remember looking at seniors when I was young and thinking - wow, how great it

Isn't that the truth

must be to have it all together and not mess up all the time, not say the wrong thing, not want to eat a box of donuts (or whatever) anymore.  Little did I know that they were no more together than I was really.  One thing I did see when Mom was in a home, it doesn't matter if you were vegan, or keto or intermittent fasting or all organic, you will eat what they give you, when they serve you and there isn't much wiggle room to that.  Sure, it is pretty healthy but it is their menu not yours.  Whatever exercise you did, you will be taking part in theirs.  How ever often you got cleaned up, well, let's just say that will be different too.  It reminded me of a passage in the bible of St. Peter being dressed and taken where he doesn't wish to go.  It was about how his life would end but I think it covers the aged pretty good because it says - 

'I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God.'  - John 21

Anyway, after the few weeks this month when I got into tracking and logging and all for a time I realized that is really not me anymore and trying to force it made the desire to binge blow right out of proportion so not really the way to go for me at this time in my life (looking closer to 70 than 60) 

So this is what I figured out, I will continue to make the best choices for me which includes a dessert each day.  I will walk each day with hubby and I will stretch often too.  I always keep a water glass beside me and it may be 8 glasses a day or maybe less but it will do me each day.  Standing on the scale is not for me as it just brings up the obsession once more, and I was seriously obsessed from binging and purging to weighing in three times a day and more that just needs to be let go of. 

Wow, felt really great to get all that off my chest.  Figuring out what works best for me at my age of 66.  As to my hands and how they swell - that is when I overdo on games and apps and such and it is time to lay off of a lot of those time wasters at least for me.  

I am still going to check in here on my blog about once a week as I like getting what seems to be rattling around my head onto paper and out of the loop in my head.  Catch you next week!

And that is completely OKAY - lol



  1. Hello. So nice to "see" you again. I totally agree with: "figuring out what works best for me at my age." Looking forward to catching you next week. 🤗💞

    1. Thank you, great to 'hear' from you too. Lots of figuring isn't there? Funny I thought everyone over 60 had it all figured out when I was in my 30s - LOL.

  2. So true! "What works best for me at my age" applies at any age, and at some point it clicks for us that it's true, whether that age is 40, 60, or 80 and beyond! I'm on "the puppy diet" which basically means I don't bring or prepare food that would be bad for HER, and I don't binge because I'm so busy just trying to keep up with her needs. Since she arrived at my house, I have dropped 18 pounds, my blood pressure is back to a consistent normal, and we'll see what happens as we proceed.

    I kind of look at this as a continuation of a pattern in my life: I won't do things just for my own health, but when it comes to "so my son won't worry while he's deployed", or in this case, "because I don't want this puppy to be abandoned by me losing my health, mobility, etc."

    Love is a HUGE motivator, isn't it?

    1. I really understand that, not doing stuff just for our own health. I guess we always need a bigger reason that just us. Thanks for stopping by and that is so wonderful about your blood pressure and weight! Ember is really good for you ;)


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