Mamie Allie's Place

Just a blog by myself MamieAllie (Alicia) where I share photos, family history, health journey and just life in general with family and friends.

Monday 27 May 2024

Hey There - Time to Catch Up


Our Mother's Day and Father's Day gift
Hi Everyone who stops by.  For the first time in months I have finally felt up to writing.  It isn't that I have been depressed but more like just down and dealing with all that has to be done when someone passes.  

I found that like when we retired and moved down here it was like since all the work stress was gone, well, our bodies said 'time to take care of me' and brought up lots of different things for both of us back then.  

I had totally forgot about that but now that caring for mom, dealing with her passing and settling her estate is nearly done my body is doing the same thing, screaming at me that I better take care of it or I will certainly be sorry.  That includes my hands swelling at the joints with a dash of joint aches and pains at every joint in my body.  At this time I am wearing compression gloves to help with the swelling.  Also a weight gain which always includes lots of heartburn.  I know my blood work was not the best either and it was certainly time to do something.  Once things were fully back in the hands of mom's lawyer was I able to feel that my part was done and I was done with those people who were interested only in mom's estate.  I only have to take in any tax things next year when I get them but that isn't a stressor.  In fact the biggest stress when dealing with someone passing is the bank.  They are so concerned with not stepping out of line that the hoops one must jump through are greater than even dealing with Revenue Canada.

Our anniversary gift

 The issues with my body got to the point I had to take action with both back to food tracking and getting back to walking and exercise.  I found an app that was close to my old SparkPeople tracker called MyNetDairy.  I started it on May 2nd and did pretty good in the start then of course old habits of "I don't want to do this" came up and I took a pause for a week and a half but realized as issues came back quickly that I could not do that any more, I had to track, improve my food choices and get my butt moving once more.  

So far I have lost 7 pounds with the app and that was with a couple of stumbles but I am even more determined now.  Hubby wondered if I told our doctor about my issues and yup, I did and she noted them down and when I said I was managing any pain with Tylenol she just nodded and moved on saying this is what happens when you get older.  The last thing she mentioned was meds for cholesterol and pain both of which have really tough side-effects and I would like to avoid and of course, we all know that the better we eat and exercise the less need for pills there is.  

So, I am back on my healthy journey, which I postponed when I was doing major care-giving.  Yup, I know they say you must care for yourself or you can't care for others but what the don't mention is not having any energy to do so and I didn't.  I was dealing with a lot of mom issues that just reared it's ugly head during that time that I didn't bother with me.  

As you can see those lovely mugs are part of our gift giving this year.  I gave my sister this one (probably will get myself one for my birthday) 

And for both my daughter's birthday, I got this one. 

Thinking next Mother's Day for me perhaps.  I just love the mugs.  Hubby has gotten one brother the mug I got him in January and plans on getting them for the other brothers for their birthdays.  
Although MyNetDairy has a place for blogging I am just going to keep on keeping on here.  Time to refresh and keep going with healing myself.  I have only about 28 more pounds to lose which should take care of the hearburn completely as well ease up the pressure on my joints as well as the other inside stuff.  

So you will probably see me back here a little more often.  With the focus being on healing and lightening up.  

Take care all.

From our Spring Days walks. 


  1. What a lovely update, Alicia! I love how your mugs turned out, and I totally resonate with that "after a loss" path. It takes time for the brain and body to adjust, and our bodies do react.

    If you haven't been following my blogs (and I understand if you've not been), the big one is that after feeling teased by the existence of this litter of puppies born January 31st, I finally decided I really needed this rejuvenating influence in my life, and brought Ember, a charcoal lab puppy, into my home on Easter.

    My blog has been full of that, but at the same time, I started tracking food again myself, having reached a point, as you did, where I really needed to address some neglect! And after all, with a new life that represents a 15 year commitment, and her being a "big breed", the need is increased.

    The long and little is that Cronometer works for me before, and it's working for me now. Finding a tracking that's similar to old Sparkpeople does help, doesn't it?

    I look forward to seeing more of your posts as you work your way forward, too!

    - Barb (OKM)

    1. Thanks Barb - I have been peeking at your blogs and the progress of little Ember (who is a complete cutie) but I haven't been posting comments, it was like I had nothing to say about anything much, which isn't like me really. Me too, about the neglect - it really creeps up fast. It sure does help to find something that can fill in for the loss of Spark. You shall see me a bit more often now. Thank you and hugs too.

  2. Hi OKM and Alicia. All I can say is ditto about the after effects of losing someone but I hadn't wised up to that until this reading!! I too need to get back to exercising and tracking. I do have a big yard and garden to look after as I'm still on the "farm" although there are no critters here anymore except for my dear Andy the part Maine cat!! OKM you will likely remember me as Verna J3 from SparkPeople. Oh how I miss my friends from there!! Today I'm going to plant potatoes so I must run. Keep up the good idea of Looking after yourselves. I shall start slowly----how does one start slowly? isn't it all or nothing? anyway I "plan" to buckle down after my 10 days in Prince Edward Island. I leave on the 19th of June and back on the 29th. Talk later former Sparkers.
    Verna (aka VernaJ3)

    1. Thanks for piping up, Verna, and welcome to the "restarters". To my way of thinking, starting slowly is just tracking without trying to be perfect about what you're tracking just yet. It's giving yourself credit for every baby step! We can do this.

      Hope you enjoy your trip to PEI... gonna see WATERMELLEN while you're there?

    2. Verna - enjoy your trip, sounds wonderful! I have to kinda do the all thing mostly as if I don't then I make excuses for having this food or not moving. I have to commit completely.


So Grandson the I is 6 today

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